About Us
Arizona DUI and Mental Health Solutions provide online DUI classes for the state of Arizona. We have a top-of-the-line curriculum created with your needs in mind to educate customers and help them navigate through the process after receiving a DUI citation. You will set up an account online and make your payment online as well. A one-on-one consultation is conducted for each student. You will be contacted by one of our staff to schedule your screening.

Arizona DUI & Mental Health Online DUI Classes & Services
DUI Education
AZDUIMHS DUI education consists of a 16-hour course that provides education and brings awareness about the severity of a DUI.
Screenings Service
At AZDUIMHS we are licensed to provide you with DUI screening that is convenient, affordable, and of quality.
Revocation Service
We offer simplified solutions that are affordable to help you get your driver’s license back in good standing with the state of Arizona.

Open 24/7

Secure Transaction

Online Certificate

Certified by ADOT

Certified by HHS